Praise the Bond! Zvonurile au fost confirmate. Acum e oficial: Obsidian şi Sega ne pregătesc Alpha Protocol, un (action) RPG "de spionaj" cu un miros puternic de 007. Alpha Protocol va fi lansat pentru PC, Xbox 360 şi Playstation 3. În 2009. Să fie primit.
"Alpha Protocol blends Obsidian’s knack for intricate stories, engrossing characters, and significant character advancement with fast-paced modern combat. Alpha Protocol embraces everything we enjoy about making RPGs from a fresh perspective. We are confident our talented staff at Obsidian will enable us to deliver this exciting RPG experience", a declarat Feargus Uruqhuart.
Now bring me that +5 Vorpal Assault Rifle. And don't forget the Tuxedo of Bulteproofness. Got some werecommies to kill.
"Alpha Protocol blends Obsidian’s knack for intricate stories, engrossing characters, and significant character advancement with fast-paced modern combat. Alpha Protocol embraces everything we enjoy about making RPGs from a fresh perspective. We are confident our talented staff at Obsidian will enable us to deliver this exciting RPG experience", a declarat Feargus Uruqhuart.
Now bring me that +5 Vorpal Assault Rifle. And don't forget the Tuxedo of Bulteproofness. Got some werecommies to kill.