Cei de la Electronic Arts au anunţat încheierea unui parteneriat cu Starbreeze Studios [Enclave, Knights of the Temple, The Chronicles of Riddick: Escape from Butcher Bay, The Darkness] cu scopul de a "reinventa" una din cele mai de succes franşize EA. Momentan proiectul poartă numele de cod Project RedLime şi se ştie doar că va fi pregătit pentru PC, Xbox 360 şi PS3.
“EA Partners is thrilled to hand over the keys to one of EA’s most acclaimed franchises to Starbreeze Studios,” a declarat David DeMartini, vice preşedinte şi general manager la EA Partners. “Starbreeze’s pedigree is undisputed and we could not be happier to welcome them to the EA Partners family. The team is creating an incredibly innovative take on a classic property and EA Partners is poised to deliver a blockbuster launch on the global stage.”