13 martie 2008

BioShock 2 in 2010. Amen.

2k a anutat azi oficial sequelul best-seller-ului din 2007, de altfel unul din cele mai bune jocuri din ultimii ani si anume BioShock. O veste imbucuratoare pentru toti fanii, mai ales daca nu va avea parte de amanari.

Publisher Take-Two Interactive today officially confirmed that a sequel to 2K Boston’s underwater shooter BioShock will arrive in the company’s fiscal fourth-quarter in 2009.

Take-Two’s fourth quarter runs from August through the end of October.

BioShock 2 is under development by the Novato, California-based studio 2K Marin. The new development house is rumored to consist of several former 2K Boston and 2K Australia employees.